@misc{576, keywords = {fish, Formalin, how to buy fish, sea food}, author = {Divya Karnad and Chaitanya Krishna}, title = {Is formalin present in your fish? Here’s how to buy unadulterated seafood}, abstract = {With fear over reports of formalin in your fish, arm yourself with basic tips on how to identify fresh fish and minimise risks of buying adulterated seafood}, year = {2018}, journal = {The Hindu}, chapter = {Food}, month = {07/2018}, isbn = {0971-751X}, url = {https://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/food/is-formalin-present-in-your-fish-heres-how-to-buy-unadulterated-seafood/article24431555.ece}, language = {en-IN}, }