BCA Study Abroad Courses

Submitted by bhalla on Sat, 05/02/2015 - 11:21

BCA Study Abroad is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3), international education organization founded in 1962 by a consortium of seven colleges of the Brethren tradition. BCA Study Abroad has engaged internationally-minded students from a wide range of institutions–-more than 100 different U.S. universities and colleges--including many students from our original partners.


BCA Study Abroad has been committed to helping students understand the complexities of the contemporary world by providing challenging academic programs and cross-cultural learning in locations around the globe. From its start, BCA has focused its educational mission on engaging students with ideas that matter. As a result, students who participate in a BCA program gain a more comprehensive and precise understanding of the world.



This project supported a series of courses for teaching Marine Sciences to undergraduate students from the USA. Most of the courses involved field trips to the Andaman Islands and visits to other institutions in Goa, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. This project was concluded in 2010. Subsequent courses were run through KSAC.


Project Information


Neil Pelkey
Anupama Pai
Tara Lawrence

Project Information


Duration: to

Funding Agencies:

BCA Study Abroad - USA

FERAL - once wild, runs wild again.