Rehabilitation of Minor Irrigation Tank systems in the Kaliveli watershed

Submitted by bhalla on Sun, 05/10/2015 - 12:11

FERALs role as the Monitoring and Planning agency in this five year project came to an end in June 2004. The last six months saw a series of final surveys and assessments, completion of mapping exercises, a round of training programs in irrigation management and finally culminated in a national level seminar.


The main activity was the assessment of the various CBOs that had been formed under the project. Self Assessment exercises were carried out with the Water User Associations (WUAs). These helped assess the changes in these organisations since the last exercise 18 months earlier. While most showed definite improvement there were some who had succumbed to internal conflicts. Individual members of women Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the WUAs were asked to give their assessments regarding the growth and functioning of the organisation and how these organisations had impacted their lives. The main comment of women was that being a member if the SHG had given them confidence in themselves and exposure to several places, people and situations. The farmers opined that they had learnt a lot in collaborative management bit still had a long way to go. Their major observation was that thus far each farmer had worked in his individual plot, now they were learning to farm and plan together as a community.

Project Information


Project Information


Duration: to

Funding Agencies:

Indian Canada Environment Facility

Partner Institutes

  • Palmyra - Centre for ecological landuse and rural development Project Lead

Map used for discussions with Water User Associations. A seminar on participatory irrigation management organised at the conclusion of FERAL's component of the project.
FERAL - once wild, runs wild again.