Bird watching trip to Kalivelli and Ousteri

Submitted by bhalla on Sun, 09/20/2015 - 11:28

Students from the School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences joined FERAL in conducting two pre-monsoon, pre-migratory season bird watching trips to the Kalivelli and Ousteri lakes on the 19th and 20th of September respectively. The forest department kindly gave permissions for the field trip. Data from the trips will be uploaded onto the e-bird portal and hopefully will give some insights into the changes in species richness and abundance when the follow up bird watching trip is organised in January.

People interested in joining the second trip in January should contact Kumaran.K at the FERAL office.

Event Information

Event Resources


Event Details


Venue: Kalivelli and Ousteri Lakes
FERAL - once wild, runs wild again.